Thursday, December 07, 2006

Glad to see this...

Since Dion's victory on the weekend I'm very glad to see the Liberal party embracing their recent past.

I felt that a huge flaw in Paul Martin's campaign last election was that he did not take advantage of the Liberal record. Yes, he was trying to distance himself from the sponsorship scandal, but in doing that he also distanced himself from everything good that the party had done during their time in power.

I liked Jean Chretien as PM. I respect him to this day. And I see that Dion does as well.
It makes me proud to see Chretien on one of the banners on the Liberal site.
It makes me proud to hear Dion openly thank and quote Chretien.

The Conservatives may call it "Back to the Future" but I consider embracing the Liberal past a great step towards the future.

1 comment:

Freddie L Sirmans, Sr. said...

Just browsing the internet, you have a beautiful and very interesting blog.

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