Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Microsoft made me use Firefox

I've always been a fan of Internet Explorer.
Regardless of how evil I believe Microsoft to be, regardless of how many other browers I've tried, I've always gone back to Internet Explorer.
I tried Netscape years ago... didn't like it. Same for Opera. And Firefox.
I loved my IE.
So, imagine my delight a month or so ago when I heard that IE 7 was being launched! Finally, an updated version! It sounded really good as well! More security!!! I'd show all of those Firefox fans! I new IE was going to be great.

So I downloaded it.

In short, I hated it. They moved everything around. It looked different.
It had tabbed browsing (for the life of me, I can't understand the popularity!)
I wanted the old IE back! I wanted IE6!

And there was the

As far as I know, you cannot downgrade back to IE6.

I tried. Believe me, I tried! I spent hours - no, DAYS - trying to get my old IE back.

And I managed to get it back. But it doesn't work right. It freezes a lot and crashes. As far as I know, safely downgrading to IE is impossible without using the Windows installation disk (which I lost.)

And so, because I didn't like the newest version of a Microsoft product that I had always enjoyed, I'm now using Firefox.


1 comment:

Rick said...

Thanks for the comment.
The main part I dislike about IE7 is that they've moved everything around in the top of the program... I don't know what it bothers me, but I don't like it.

I've turned off tabbed browsing in Firefox and made it as much like IE6 as I could, so I can deal with it now.

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