Monday, January 30, 2006

I'm watching the Much VJ Search

So I'm watching the Much VJ Search, and now that it's ending I just stopped and thought "Why am I watching the Much VJ Search?"
Is it because - for some odd reason - I love watching reality TV?
Is it because I like music and pop culture?
Is it because I studied broadcasting and thus this interests me?
Or is it because, in actuality, I really would like to be a VJ?

I have no idea....
Now THIS is one of those pointless posts that I expected I'd be making in this blog!
All of that socially relevant stuff I was talking about earlier is all CRAP! Okay, not really, I can be socially relevant too.

Okay, it's time for "Flight 93" on A&E!

God... why do I watch this stuff!?

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