Monday, June 12, 2006

I want a Nintendo DS Lite

I want one of THESE.

Why? I'm not sure. See, I have this issue: I think that I like video games, but I'm not sure if I actually do.
Sounds ridiculous? It is.

See, I currently own a NIntendo GameCube and have put a decent amount of money into buying games (though mostly used off of eBay so I haven't spent THAT much money.) I play it once-in-a-while, but I'm not "hardcore" at all.
And yet I still consider myself a video game fan.
I'm eagerly awaiting the launch of the Nintendo Wii, moreso than I'm awaiting many other things to be honest!
And now that the DS Lite has come out, I want one. I think I've just fallen for the hype. Why do I need a portable game system? I spent 99% of my life either a) at home b) at work c) driving or d) at my fiancee's place. There is very little need for a portable game system at any of those places.
I don't take public transit anymore and it's not like I'd be playing video games outside or anything.
But I still want one..

It's probably just the hype.

But I also want to play Tetris DS, Mario Kart DS, and New Super Mario Bros. so perhaps I will end up buying one someday.
But I've spent too much money this month thus far.

In other news, it looks like the Oilers are going to end up losing game four to Carolina.

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