Friday, February 11, 2005

So.. I actually decided to update after all!

Only because I'm bored, mind you.
I really don't have much to say.
I just bought a digital camera and I love it. But the rechargable battery I bought doesn't seem to charge all the way, which kind of sucks. Now I'll have to take it in and exchange it, yadda yadda yadda.

God my life is boring!
I mean, seriously, why the hell am I writing about NOTHING on a blog that NO ONE will ever read?

Ah well... maybe this should become one of those staunch political blogs! Then I could end up on CNN! But I'm too lazy and undedicated to do that.
By the way, I just realised that Google owns my life.
I use their search engine, I read new from Google news, I have a Google deskbar, I have a Gmail account, I downloaded Picasa from Google even though I rarely use it, and I use Google Desktop Search. Almost everything I do on my computer, I use Google for! And voluntarily! (I just used the deskbar to look up how to spell "voluntarily.") It's not like Microsoft, that has to force people to use their products. I use them with little prompting from anyone!
Hmmm.... I guess that's it for now!

EDIT: I completely forgot that I'm writing this on Blogger, which is owned by, guess who? Google of course!


Anonymous said...

"Google Rocks!" I can find anything and everything!!!

Anonymous said...

I would like to exchange links with your site
Is this possible?

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